Today we want mobile phones not as straightforward widgets for transportation but more that. As the ultra modern technology is being introduced in mobile phones so the area of usage of mobile phones is increasing. If you systematize the multimedia mobile phones then you will find Samsung F400 somewhere on the top position. Samsung has launched this gadget in collaboration with Danish business Bang and Olufsen. B&O is largely known for rock solid audio ability that's why Samsung F400 is also well know for unmatchable audio and video quality. To add up the digital vigor the gizmo is adequate with two inbuilt speakers.
The Samsung F400 is compared with many other contemporaries like Sony Erickson W960. But, truth be told, there is no comparison in the middle of Samsung F400 and Sony Erickson W960. Now I expound why Samsung is better. Actually, the Samsung gizmo is a fine multimedia mobile phone which is offered at prize bracket that suits all of us. This mobile phone is adequate with all the foremost feature that you can find in a luxury or extremely costly mobile phones. The Samsung F400 has multi format video support, an perfect camera of 3 mega pixel and the Wap v2.0 browser. It is also a good gismo for games and Mp3 songs. The gismo is equally cordial to messaging principles and Mms, Ems, Sma and e-mails.
Where as the Sony Ericsson W960 is just for the elite class of the society. No doubt that the gismo is adequate with some better features such as 3.2 mega pixel camera, well integrated walkman principles and whooping 8Gb memory storage. But some time a minuscule damage in the mobile phone may be very costly as the accessories or parts of the mobile phone are far two costly. This luxury addition has touchscreen factory for pilotage which is very venerable so, always you will have keep it away from children as a heavy struck on the screen may damage it. There is no doubt about the features but what Samsung can offer in roughly the same in a very reasonable price bracket.
Hence if you are to make option in the middle of Samsung F400 and Sony Ericsson W960 then select Samsung F400 because its not only about allocation but also a lot of things. The newly designed phone has better ergonomics and features to help you in all ways.
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